Accessible Map Visualization Prototype
Tania Calle-Jiménez, Sergio Luján-Mora
Proceedings of the 13th Web for All Conference (W4A'16), p. 15:1-15:2, Montreal (Canada), April 11-13 2016. ISBN: 978-1-4503-4138-7.
Congreso internacional / International conference
In the use of the Web, one of the main problems for people with visual disability is the use of geographic maps which are visual by nature. This paper presents an accessible map visualization prototype that is designed with WCAG 2.0. For the development of the prototype, we have designed an architecture that helps to mitigate the visual barriers of the online geographical maps. As case study, the prototype displays some maps of the Ecuador. In addition, the prototype has been tested in different browsers and has been evaluated by accessibility tools, thereby, the degree of accessibility of the prototype has been determined in a real environment.