Creating an International Network of Master Degrees in Computer Science as a Second Competence
Sergio Luján-Mora, Jean-Michel Adam, Agathe Merceron, Marek Milosz, Arto Toppinen
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2011), p. 2811-2815, Madrid (Spain), November 14-16 2011. ISBN: 978-84-615-3324-4.
Congreso internacional / International conference
Nowadays, organizations and enterprises demand more and more qualified employees able to apply correctly and usefully the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Specialists from all sectors need and must have additional ICT competences. Therefore, education systems all around the world must respond to this current demand. The modernization of higher education systems and their corresponding syllabuses, particularly by creating particular training to apply computer science to other disciplines, is essential to meet present professional needs. During the last few years, Russian, Kazakh, and Kyrgyz higher education systems have been reformed and are progressively evolving within the context of Bologna Process (European Higher Education Area), towards a common higher education framework. The opening of Russian, Kazakh and Kyrgyz universities has been encouraged by many international projects, notably European ones. In the beginning of 2010, the European Tempus project European-Russian-Central Asian Network of Master Degrees "Informatics as a Second Competence" (ERAMIS) started to set up a network between a group of universities from Europe, Russia and Central Asia. The members of the project are: five universities from Europe (Finland, France, Germany, Poland, and Spain), four universities from Russian Federation, three universities from Kazakhstan, two universities from Kyrgyzstan, and three enterprises from Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. The type of this project is curricular reform and it lasts 3 years. The main objective of this project is to create a network of master degrees in computer science as a second competence intended for specialists in social sciences, exact sciences, and engineering. The objective of the master degree is to give specialists coming from other disciplines, a training enabling them to master computer techniques and programming languages in order to create, develop, manage and maintain new software tools for their specific domains. The objective of the project is not to train pure computer scientists, but versatile persons able to combine a good knowledge in engineering, mathematics, physics, or even in economics, management, administration, with competences in computer science, allowing them to implement tomorrow's software tools in a better way and so participating to the necessary modernization of society. After near two years of life of the ERAMIS project, in this paper we will present the partners and the objectives of the project, we will describe and compare the different syllabuses that have been developed, we will highlight the problems that we have faced, and we will comment the solutions we have implemented to resolve these problems.