Design, Implementation and Evaluation of MOOCs to Improve Inclusion of Diverse Learners
Sandra Sanchez-Gordon, Sergio Luján-Mora
In Information Resources Management Association (Ed.), Accessibility and Diversity in Education: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, p. 52-79 (chapter 4), Hershey, PA: IGI Global. ISBN: 9781799812135.
Capítulo de libro / Book chapter
This chapter presents accessibility requirements that need to be considered in the design, implementation and evaluation of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to ensure they are inclusive. Accessibility requirements take in account particular needs, preferences, skills and situations of diverse learners, e.g. people with disabilities, elderly people and foreign students. The accessibility needs have to be considered in the design and implementation of MOOCs' interfaces, contents and learning/assessment activities. Due to its open and massive nature, with an adequate implementation, MOOCs can overcome inclusion barriers for the benefit of potential learners worldwide, both able and disabled. For evaluation, there are accessibility evaluation tools that identify accessibility problems in the content, semantic and structural elements of a website that can be used to evaluate the level of accessibility of MOOCs. Additional expert-based and user-based evaluations are always recommended in order to achieve valid results.