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Sergio Luján Mora

Catedrático de Universidad

Exploring Data Use to Implement E-Government in Higher Education: A Case Study

Diego Buenaño-Fernández, Sergio Luján-Mora, William Villegas-Ch
Proceedings of the International Conferences 16th WWW/Internet (ICWI 2017) and 14th Applied Computing (AC 2017), p. 251-255, Algarve (Portugal), October 18-20 2017. ISBN: 978-989-8533-69-2.
(ICWI'17b) Congreso internacional / International conference


E-government is a permanent commitment of the central administration to improve the relationship with citizens, through the effective and efficient exchange of services, information and knowledge. All this supported by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). In the university field, e-government involves the application of ICT in the operational processes (research, teaching and community & service), administrative support and above all in the strategic processes of university management. A fundamental element on which the implementation of e-government platforms is based is the administration of institutional data. From this data it is feasible to obtain crucial information to make strategic decisions that benefit all stakeholders. In this sense, the Data Warehousing (DWH) and the techniques of data mining (DM), are technological tools of support to the management of the data. Universities generate large amounts of data daily, however these data are not being used adequately as a basis for strategic decision making. A common problem that is evident in institutions of higher education is to find computer systems that operate autonomously, this implies that many processes are decoupled and the extraction of information becomes very complicated. This article explores the use of data mining for strategic decision making in private universities in Ecuador. The study is carried out through an analysis of the websites and strategic plans of the institutions, where the use of DM or DWH tools can be identified.
