INCISCOS 2019 Foreword
Sergio Luján-Mora
4th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Science (INCISCOS 2019), p. xii, Quito (Ecuador), November 20-22 2019. ISBN: 978-1-7281-5581-4.
Congreso internacional / International conference
The proceedings of INCISCOS 2019, the fourth event of the International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Science series, is an excellent reflection of the splendid scientific forum that, organized by the Universidad UTE, took place in Quito (Ecuador), November 20-22, 2019. Once again, INCISCOS facilitated the presentation and exchange of research results and practical experiences in the field of Engineering, Education and Technology. The fully international character of INCISCOS was corroborated with the participation of scientists from all over the world, who sent their contributions with their latest technological advances.