Towards a Forensic Analysis of Mobile Devices Using Android
Estevan Ricardo Gómez-Torres, Oswaldo Moscoso-Zea, Nelson Ivan Herrera-Herrera, Sergio Luján-Mora
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology & Systems (ICITS 2018), p. 30-39, Libertad (Ecuador), January 11-13 2018. ISBN: 978-3-319-73450-7.
Congreso internacional / International conference
The high utilization rate of mobile devices highlights the problem of vulnerability. As a result, new cybercrime techniques are created, in response to which new forensic techniques must be created, so we can deduct the importance of this paper. For some years now, there has been a significant growth in the use of mobile devices in daily life, since they allow to carry personal data in a practical, easy and comfortable way. These data are, in many cases, the target of malicious people, who, taking advantage of the vulnerabilities that these devices present, are capable of illegal actions, usually for unlawful purposes. The current research proposes, using a comparative method to allow us to formulate a forensic analysis to mobile devices with Android operating system; based on the chain of custody guidelines, compliance stages, and phases and to detect findings, nonconformities, locate vulnerabilities. Based on this process we can determine the origin of the leading causes of different types of events or crimes committed from a mobile device. Additionally, using a decision matrix, the best software for performing the forensic analysis is chosen and using Balanced Scorecard, indicators are evaluated.