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Sergio Luján Mora

Catedrático de Universidad

Towards software for measuring intelligence quotient of people with intellectual disabilities

Andrés Larco, Luis Jácome, Sergio Luján-Mora
In Vladimir Robles, Rafael Sánchez, Paola Ingavélez, Fernando Pesántez (Eds.), Inclusión, discapacidad y educación: Enfoque práctico desde las Tecnologías Emergentes: Editorial Universitaria Abya-Yala, p. 311-324. ISBN: 978-9978-10-270-1.
(INCLU'17b) Capítulo de libro / Book chapter


This document explains the development of a web application to measure the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of people with intellectual disabilities. For the development, prototyping was used. For the interfaces, User Experience Design (UX) was used. Because it allows to create the application using the user as part of the development team, and with that, an application was obtained that comes closer to the reality of the solution of the problem. The use of an IQ test to a person with intellectual disability has shown three important problems to be considered for the development approach of an application. A person with an intellectual disability cannot be evaluated directly with a web application. This person has special needs, and may become stressed, angry, or distracted while completing the test. The American Association on Intellectual and Development Disabilities (AAIDD) and the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and the Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) advise that to measure the IQ and to classify it, it is necessary to use scales that evaluate other aspects besides intelligence. Scales such as Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) and Zazzo fulfill this criterion. Other scales, such as Raven's scale, are not advisable because they only focus on intelligence. In the measurement of the IQ of people with intellectual disabilities, it is necessary the therapist. Because it generates an atmosphere of trust between the person with intellectual disability and the tool to measure the IQ, so it is necessary for the development of the application the interaction between the therapist, the person with a disability and application.
