Use of Virtual Classroom: Summarized Opinion of the Stakeholders in the Learning-Teaching Process
Myriam Peñafiel, Stefanie Vásquez, Sergio Luján-Mora
8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2016), Volume 1, p. 314-320, Rome (Italy), April 21-23 2016. ISBN: 978-989-758-179-3.
Congreso internacional / International conference
Nowadays, the use of ICTs in education is proof of innovation, quality, and ease of access. Aware of this challenge, higher education institutions are making efforts in line with technological advances by incorporating tools that promote more and better learning results. The aim of this investigation is to determine how much backing Moodle virtual classrooms provide to support classroom work at the university in the case study. Moodle can be used to improve, renovate and motivate the teaching-learning process in the classroom. To confirm this hypothesis, we conducted a summary of previous research carried out from the perspective of students, teachers and authorities, and considered the agreements and disagreements among these groups. We evaluated perceived usefulness, ease of use and other variables to validate the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) of the investigation. The results show that Moodle virtual classrooms are an accepted tool in terms of obtained benefits. We also determined that it is necessary to implement training in using Moodle, as well having policies and incentives to increase its use.