The use of virtual classrooms as teachers' and students' portfolios: a case study
Myriam Peñafiel, Luz Marina Vintimilla, Z. Hermosilla, Sergio Luján-Mora
Proceedings of the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2015), p. 5949-5958, Madrid (Spain), March 2-4 2015. ISBN: 978-84-606-5763-7. ISSN: 2340-1079.
Congreso internacional / International conference
There is constantly an ever-increasing number of higher education institutions using portfolios as a tool to validate the following areas: quality of the teaching-learning process, teachers' work, collecting evidence, evaluation and assessment, reflexive reasoning motivation, evidence of resources, activities and teaching strategies. The aim of that investigation is to determine the most relevant characteristics to be included in a teaching e-portfolio so as to apply the portfolio in a case study at the Escuela Politécnica Nacional (EPN). In this paper we validated the elements in virtual classrooms that EPN professors used as learning support tools in order to conclude whether these virtual classrooms can be considered e-portfolios of the teaching-learning process at the university. The results allowed us to conclude that virtual classrooms used at EPN can be considered e-portfolios since they are a tool to show quality, reflection and evidence of the teaching-learning process. In addition, recommendations for improvement are mentioned.