The use of virtual classrooms as teachers' and students' portfolios: a case study
Myriam Peñafiel, Luz Marina Vintimilla, Z. Hermosilla, Sergio Luján-Mora
Abstract Book of the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2015), p. 1536, Madrid (Spain), March 2-4 2015. ISBN: 978-84-606-5761-3.
Congreso internacional / International conference
Higher education institutions must embrace current new technologies to carry out the teaching-learning process. This process must meet requirements of current educational trends where this process no longer have to be framed in the on-site class, migrating to other environments such as the virtual learning or using tools such as virtual classrooms as tools to support on-site class. This strengthen of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the classroom which is an imminent need. To meet this need the National Polytechnic School (NPS) has implemented a virtual platform based on Moodle to support face-to-face class. Moodle is a highly flexible open source learning platform, which helps educators create online learning communities. This type of technological platforms is also known as LCMS (Learning Content Management System). The use of this platform is beneficial for both teachers and students because it involves the management of resources and activities to generate meaningful learning activities which foster the learning of knowledge by the student. Another important feature of this platform is the record of all the activities developed in the classroom which is an important repository of educational information. This information can be analyzed and the findings can help to improve the teaching-learning process. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to determine the minimum and enough structure that virtual classroom must have in order to verify that the evidence of the work done by teachers and students can be considered as a teacher and student portfolio. The virtual classrooms finally is a record of this learning systematization process. This work focuses in the Portfolios of student and teacher like to collections of their work and representing a selection of performance. This case study analyze the elements used in virtual classrooms, the ability to record resources and activities, the variety of learning resources and activities, among others. This study allowed us to verify that the virtual classrooms are tools that can effectively be used as portfolio for both teacher and student because: - Contains the minimum elements considered for a portfolio. - Provides an organized structure for managing information. - Facilitates the use of multiple resources and activities. - Supports and record group interaction and private conversation between participants. - Allows evaluation activities. Also this work provides recommendations for improvement based on the study. These results suggest that the Moodle platform with virtual classrooms can be used to promote the activities of teaching and learning, but also as a tool to manage portfolios for teachers and student.