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Sergio Luján Mora

Catedrático de Universidad

Case Study—Web Accessibility From a Systems Approach

Andrea Pacheco Barzallo, Sergio Luján-Mora
In Andreas Meier, Luis Terán (Eds.), eDemocracy & eGovernment: Stages of a Democratic Knowledge Society: Springer, p. 27-34. ISBN: 978-3-030-17584-9.
(EDEM'19b) Capítulo de libro / Book chapter


The inclusion of persons with disabilities in societies has, among others, a key element: accessibility to information and communication, which can be achieved, at least in a big portion, through Web Accessibility, as we are continually embracing it to better facilitate our businesses, jobs, and social lives. The Ecuadorian experience in this area shows that the social and economic reality of this group of the population, create certain requirements that have to be fulfilled in order to successfully implement web accessibility projects. This issue was somehow addressed by The Ecuadorian Technical Secretariat for the Inclusive Management on Disabilities (SETEDIS), through the implementation of certain features that respond to the users specific needs on its website, combined with the promotion of some projects that respond to the users social realities. From the analysis of the website in the context of the social realities, some proposals for future work are outlined, like a systematic approach with several dimensions for governments to work on web accessibility with efficacy.
